Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program issues a total of 200 invitations to the express entry candidates who have applied for a provincial nomination through AINPs Express Entry stream. Invited applicants only needed a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of at least 301.
To get a provincial nomination in this round of invitations, candidates were required to have a valid express entry profile.
If express entry candidates received a provincial nomination from Alberta, they will automatically get 600 CRS points added to their score.
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Basics on AINP's Express entry stream
Applicants under the Express Entry system have the option of receiving an invitation to apply for a provincial nomination from Alberta, as well as other provinces with PNPs aligned with Express Entry. AINP has considered only the candidates who are already living in the province during the pandemic.
Applicants must also have work experience in an eligible occupation that supports the province's economic development and diversification priorities.
The AINP provides a list of professions that they will not take into consideration. Any other occupation can be considered.
The federal government has increased the number of ineligible occupations for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) in Alberta on November 1, 2020. But applications who get an NOI on or after November 1, 2020, may get selected through AINP's Express entry stream, even though their profession is not processed by the federal government for an LMIA.
Alberta was authorized to issue 6,250 nomination certificates in 2020. However, due to COVID-19, Alberta reduced its allocation to 4,000 nominations. All of these nominations were issued in June 2020. This is why there was no draw for the second half of the year.
Alberta PNP has not released the details of their annual provincial nominations allocation.
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