Canada switches to new NOC TEER Codes for FSWP and FSTP

By Joseph Parker [Published 16 Nov, 2022 | 08:20 AM] 2910
Canada switches to new NOC TEER Codes for FSWP and FSTP

As of November 16, 2022, Canada has switched to the 2021 version of the National Occupation Classification (NOC) to assess PR and work permit applications.

Find Your NOC

Here are the highlights of this new change:

  • As of November 16, the new Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities (TEER) system will be used by Canada to establish a candidate's eligibility for work experience.
  • The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) has 347 eligible occupations – and candidates will be required to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) profile to enter the Express Entry pool.
  • The total number of candidates targeted to be invited under the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) is 3,000. Two categories have been made up for the eligible trades – one with a sub-cap of 100, and the other with no sub-cap.
  • In addition, the IRCC and ESDC are also making another 16 occupations eligible for Economic Immigration.

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Check Your Express Entry Eligibility

Candidates with the highest CRS scores in the Express Entry pool are eligible to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA). They will now have 60 days to submit a full Canada PR visa application to the IRCC post receiving their ITAs.

For detailed news: Click here!

Tags: National Occupational Classification 2021 New NOC TEER codes New TEER categories the NOC 2021 NOC 2021 list of occupation classifications under NOC 2021 new 2021 NOC system TEER Category Canada NOC code find your NOC Canada Immigration News


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