BC PNP invites 356 new immigrants in latest regional draw

By Scarlett Wilson [Published 23 Sep, 2022 | 07:10 AM] 1755
BC PNP invites 356 new immigrants in latest regional draw

On September 21, 2022, British Columbia, Canada, announced the results of the most recent draw. 356 new skilled worker applicants were asked to submit an application for a provincial nomination in the weekly invitations that the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) sent out. 

A total of 3411 candidates were picked from the Skilled Worker for regional draw (including Tech occupations). 11 invitations were issued to Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants (NOC 4214) with a minimum score of 60. Less than 5 invitations went to Skilled Worker, International Graduate, Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (including EEBC option) with a minimum score of 60, targeting Healthcare category.

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Highlights of the BC PNP latest draw

  • Total number of invitations: 356 
  • Minimum score points: 60 
  • Maximum score points: 91   
  • Date of the draw: 21 September 2022 

The British Columbia Skilled Worker stream has a system in place for expressions of interest (EOI). After the profile has been uploaded, candidates will be ranked and compared using the BC Skills Immigration Ranking System before they receive an ITA. Candidates must submit a thorough and final application of the program within 30 days of receiving the invitation to apply.

The application fee for the BC Skilled Worker stream is $1150 CAD per candidate. If the application is approved, BC will provide a provincial nomination for permanent residence to the applicant.

For detailed news: Click Here.

Tags: British Columbia PNP British Columbia PNP Draw BCPNP bc pnp draw news british columbia latest bc pnp draw BC PNP Tech draw BC PNP Invites BC Provincial Nominee Program Canada Immigration News


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